Matthew Trueblood: About the Author

Hello, world.

My name is Matt Trueblood, senior journalism student at Loyola University Chicago and aspiring sports writer. I live in Rogers Park, Chicago, with my wonderful wife Maria. I love her more than anything in the world, although I think she occasinally feels usurped by my love for baseball specifically, and sport generally.

This blog is in place to give my nerdier sporting thoughts an outlet, and to widen the scope of topics on which I can write comfortably online. I long for the days of the baseball essay, of people who could write about the game (and about anything really) intelligently and with a certain grace. I hope to become such a writer, although I do not pretend to be a finished work in that regard. I welcome feedback; I welcome suggestions. I have been writing with purpose for some years, since I was a freshman in high school. I love sports, am frustrated but fascinated by politics and love to explore and embrace powerful art and written words.

2 Responses “Matthew Trueblood: About the Author” →

  1. Johnny Docarelli

    July 19, 2011

    “Barney simply is not a viable everyday big-league hitter…”

    Can you, as an aspiring sports writer admit you were wrong?

    You would buck the trend if you do! I will be watching!

    • I will admit it! Yes! I have been wrong dozens of times in the past six months alone, on a variety of topics.

      But boy am I ever right about Darwin Barney. He’s a fringe guy at best. Why did you not even write me tonchallenge that assertion until after it became clear this guy has no future near the core of a winning ballclub?


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